Monday, September 29, 2014

CIMB Cheap International Money Transfer from Thailand to Philippines

Recently, CIMB became famous to Filipinos in Thailand because it offered a super cheap international money transfer fee for only 150 baht per transaction within the the specified amount limit.

Here is the fee structure against amount sent. There is the same transaction fee when sending to Myanmar and Philippines while sending to other countries has different fees.

Way back in 2007, OFW's in Thailand used Western Union for money services. Later around 2008 onwards, many OFW's have tried on sending Thai ATM Cards to Philippines so that fund transfer is easier and the recipients in Philippines can withdraw cash from any ATM Machine's anytime.

CIMB offer free sending promotion. For every 4 successful transactions, the fifth transaction would be free. Promo runs from September 15 2014 to February 15 2015.

Some information on how to use CIMB International Speed Send.

How to send:
1. Go to any CIMB branches
2. Fill up the SEND Money form
3.  Submit completed form with Passport and the Money
4. You should receive the receipt with the TRACER NUMBER after successful transaction
5. The money can be withdrawn by the receiver after at least 15 minutes of successful transaction.

Click HERE to see Branch Locations all over Thailand.

How to receive:
1. Receiver should go to any receiving outlets in Philippines
2. Fill up Receive Money form with the following info: Sender's Complete Name, Exact Amount, Tracer Number and the Origin Country.
3. Submit completed form with ID.
4. Receive Money and receipt.

Here are the list of receiving outlets/agents in Philippines:
1. Cebuana Lhuiller
2. Metrobank
3. Palawan Pawnshop
4. LBC (Luzon Brokerage Corporation)
5. BDO (Banco de Oro)

Click HERE for other countries.


Sunday, September 28, 2014

How to Avoid Being Offloaded from Philippine Immigration

You want to come to Thailand but you are afraid being OFFLOADed from the immigration in NAIA? Well, you are not alone. Many of us have been exploited and abused by these immigration officers who think they are just doing their jobs and who think they are protecting us against HUMAN TRAFFICKING.


Every Filipino has the RIGHT TO TRAVEL. The 1987 Philippine Constitution Article III Section 6 states that the right to travel should not be impaired except in the interest of national security, public safety or public health.

So when do we think our right to travel was deprived? Was it when we get offloaded without valid reason? In this case, the denial of our right to travel to Thailand is a clear violation of constitutional right.

The real scenario why random travelers get offloaded is that, in the airport, officers roam around to look for possible victims of human trafficking, or their offload victim actually. How do they choose whom to offload? When they think you'll go out as tourist to other countries like Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand but you're gonna find a job there. When they can see you are innocent-looking. And, just randomly, when they feel like they want to offload you. In short, you'll become their prospect or suspect???. After that, they will tap the officers about you so that when it is your turn in the immigration line, you'll be interrogated. So if you are the lucky chosen passenger, good luck to your interview.

According to the anti human trafficking act, all tourist travelers must undergo primary inspection and secondary inspection when needed. In the immigration line, as a tourist, you're supposed to know that you need to show your passport, return ticket and visa. But since you are travelling to Thailand, you don't need visa at all. So basically, you only need to show your passport and the return ticket. That complies the primary inspection mentioned above. In the event that the immigration officer subjects you for secondary inspection, you'll be asked to go to their office, they will interview you, and ask you questions like how old are you, what degree you finished in college, what is your current work, what are you gonna do there, do you have sufficient travel funds or your financial capability and if not, do you have immediate family there who can shoulder your stay, any document from your immediate family duly stamped by the Philippine Embassy, and etc.

If you are chosen for interview and you failed to provide them the information they needed, they have the right to deny your travel. This is what is supposed to happen every time they offload passengers.

Let's see some of the reasons why travelers get offloaded especially those who are travelling to Thailand.

1. If you're a first time traveler and you looked rugged, nervous and innocent, you have the high possibility to be offloaded.

2. If you are not consistent with your answer. When they first ask you the question and this is your answer, make sure your answer is the same the next time they ask you same rephrased question.

3. If you have previously stayed in Thailand for more than 1 year as a tourist (meaning you may have worked but have not obtained work permit), you have higher chance of being offloaded.

4. It is a fact that you come to Thailand to look for a job and the immigration officers already knew about that, I mean they already knew that most tourists come to Thailand to look for a job. So they would ask you what are you gonna do there, and you would tell them the truth, they would absolutely offload you.

Here are some useful tips on how to avoid being offloaded. Tips on how to pass immigration lines smoothly: Remember that they want you to protect from HUMAN TRAFFICKING.

1. Present your passport and return ticket properly. Greet the officer and wear a smile. Appear like you are a professional traveler. Show your confidence.

2. Dress like an executive. A cousin was coming here in Thailand for the first time. She came because there was a work position waiting for her. In Thailand, you come as a tourist, you apply for work, and your employer will process you working visa here. So she came as a tourist. She was hesitant at first because she's scared of being offloaded. We told her not to worry, just dress nicely and answer the questions with a smiling face. When we fetched her at the airport, she came wearing mini-dress and heels. She said she was only asked very few questions maybe 1 or 2 then she was cleared.

3. Bring only 1 hand-carry bag. Don't bring too many things on your hands when you queue up in the immigration line. Travel lightly and easily. If possible, bring only a small, presentable hand bag or shoulder bag.

4. Never tell them you are going to look for a job in Thailand. Even though it is the truth, they want you to tell them lies. Tell them you are going for a short trip only. You may tell them you are visiting your cousin, your sweetheart or you are only going to shop cheap items in Thailand.

5. If you want to tell them you have friends or relatives here in Thailand, make sure you have their documents ready. The officers will definitely ask for an invitation letter from them together with copies of their passports and work permits.

6. If you are not telling them you have friends and relatives to stay with, make sure you can show them your hotel accommodation and your financial capacity to cover up your travel expenses.

7. Above all, pray to God for a safe and smooth travel.

For OFW balik-manggagawa, here are the things you need to secure upon coming back to Thailand.

1. Passport with valid VISA
2. Air Ticket
3. OEC issued by POEA

Having all those 3 items above, your travel back to Thailand will be smooth. 

How to secure OEC? If you are staying 1-5 days in Philippines for a short vacation or emergency leave, you can secure OEC from the airport. But if you are staying more than 5 days, you are required to file from your Local/Regional POEA Offices. Before OEC is issued in POEA offices, you are required to pay for your OWWA Membership, Philhealth Premium and Pag-Ibig. In case you are travelling twice in 1 year and you already have paid those premiums on your first travel, then you only need to pay for your OEC. Say for example, you usually go back on summers. So you paid everything on May that year including OWWA, Philhealth, Pag-ibig and OEC before coming back to Thailand. Then you went back again in December, your OWWA, Pag-ibig and Philhealth are still valid until May next year, so you only have to pay for OEC which is 100 Pesos.

OFW Dependents

How about for OFW dependents, are they going to undergo same process as tourists? Who are considered as OFW dependents? OFW dependents are the children, spouse, or parents of an OFW.

In order to have smooth travels for OFW dependents, they must have all relevant documents showing evidences that they are real dependents. Some documents required are birth certificates for children and parents, marriage contract for spouses. OFW documents needed are copies of the OFW passport and work permits, work contract and latest OEC. Having all these OFW documents validated with Red Ribbon from Phil.Embassy Bangkok is an advantage but not required.

Note: The contents stated above is purely for your information only. Passing through the immigration smoothly is a case to case basis so it is not advisable to exclusively rely on this information.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Thailand is a nice place to stay for tourists and job-seekers. Here are some of the questions you might want to ask when you want to visit and teach in Thailand:


Thailand does not require any visa for Filipino visitors and they are given a 30-day stay inside the kingdom upon arrival. On or before the 30-day expires, the visitor must leave the country.


There are many options you can do to extend your stay. You can extend your 30-day permit to another 30 days at the Immigration Office at ChaengWattana Government Complex. You can get a TRANSIT VISA from Cambodia which is only 4 hours away from Bangkok and which will cost you around 700 baht only. That will extend your stay in Thailand for 15 days. If you still want to stay longer after that 15 days you can go back to the border (Cambodia) and get another 15 days extension again and you can do it limited to 2 times and the next next thing you can do is go to Laos and get a 3 months tourist visa.


If your first 30 days is almost over and you still want to stay, you can get a TOURIST VISA in Laos. Cambodia does not issue Tourist Visa only Laos. It takes 10 hours to go there, then you have to stay overnight because the issuance of visa will take 1 working day. The cost of the visa alone is a thousand baht. So including your fare and meals and hotel, you may need 3 thousand. Tourist visa gives you 60 days to stay in the kingdom.


If you have friends in Thailand, you can stay with them for a while. You can also rent apartments which are very cheap and affordable. But if you find the job already, you can move to the place nearer to your school.


Every professional can come and try their luck in teaching Thai Government Schools. While some schools accept any degree, most of the schools at present only hires Education Degree holders.


Once you come to Thailand, you can immediately start your journey of applying. Many schools nowadays are under agencies so you can not just walk-in to any schools you see along the way. What you can do is find teaching agencies and apply there and they will be the once to place you to any schools under them.


Some of the famous teaching agencies are listed below. Many of them places teachers within Bangkok only, but some places teacher in the province also.
1. ASIA Computer and Language
2. EMS
3. SIAM Computer and Language
4. ECC
5. Easy English
6. TLS
8. Nature Method
9. OLA
10. Ramkhamhaeng University Project in Nonthaburi
11. Chulalongkorn University Project in Nonthaburi
12. JPE

Not all. Most of the Thai government schools are under agencies. International Schools, Bilingual Schools and Universities are not. You can apply directly to these schools.


In applying, you need the following:
1. Copy of passport
2. Copy of TOR
3. Copy of Diploma
4. 3pcs. passport size ID picture
5. Medical Certificate (from Thailand: only 50baht-150baht)
6. Girls must wear skirt, boys must wear tie.
Bring all originals for reference.


Yes. You can log in to and to find teaching job postings.