Saturday, June 6, 2009

Going to a Glowing Growth

Going to a glowing growth. Ever wonder about this statement? This is a combination of the three main food groups that we have - GO, GLOW and GROW. What are these three groups of foods? We have a energy-giving foods as go foods, body-building foods as grow foods and body regulating foods as glow foods.

Take a look at each group below.


Go foods are foods that keeps us going. They are energy-giving foods, meaning, they give us energy to move and to do the things we want to do. Go foods are foods rich in carbohydrates. Carbohydrates is the main source of our body's energy. These foods are found at the bottom of the Food Pyramid. We need to eat more of these foods in a day to supply our body with the energy we need for our daily activities. Foods like bread, rice, potato, cereals, noodles, biscuits, cookies and etc. are examples of GO FOODS.


Glow foods are those foods that gives us vitamins and minerals. These foods give us the pretty looks like smooth skin, shiny hair, and cute face. These foods make us GLOW that is why they are called glow foods. If we have the right amount of vitamins needed for our body, then we can avoid ourselves from getting sick. Glow foods also keep us away from illness. They make our immune system strong enough to fight against diseases. Fruits and vegetables are foods rich in vitamins and minerals.


Grow foods are rich in protein which we can usually get from meat and meat substitute. Nuts and beans are examples of meat substitute. They are also considered as reliable sources of protein. Protein helps us in the production of cells in our body. It is responsible for the replacement of damaged cells cause by some cases like cuts and injuries. Protein keeps our body growing.

Having a balanced diet is very important for us to be healthy. Many people think that they are having healthy diet everyday but if we are going to check our diet, they failed to follow the standard of a balanced diet. We must eat enough of energy-giving foods,body-building foods and body regulating foods to keep us GOING to a GLOWING GROWTH.

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